Twilight Princess
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
This is the complete list of members for HeapCheck, including all inherited members.
CheckHeap1(void) | HeapCheck | |
field_0x14 | HeapCheck | private |
field_0x18 | HeapCheck | private |
getHeap() | HeapCheck | inline |
getMaxTotalFreeSize() | HeapCheck | inline |
getMaxTotalUsedSize() | HeapCheck | inline |
getName() const | HeapCheck | inline |
getRelTotalUsedSize() const | HeapCheck | inline |
getRelUsedCount() const | HeapCheck | inline |
getTotalUsedSizeRef() | HeapCheck | inline |
getUsedCount(void) const | HeapCheck | |
getUsedCountRef() | HeapCheck | inline |
HeapCheck(JKRExpHeap *heap, const char *name, const char *jName) | HeapCheck | inline |
heapDisplay(void) const | HeapCheck | |
mHeap | HeapCheck | private |
mJName | HeapCheck | private |
mMaxTotalFreeSize | HeapCheck | private |
mMaxTotalUsedSize | HeapCheck | private |
mName | HeapCheck | private |
mTargetHeapSize | HeapCheck | private |
mTotalUsedSize | HeapCheck | private |
mUsedCount | HeapCheck | private |
saveRelBase() | HeapCheck | inline |
setHeap(JKRExpHeap *i_heap) | HeapCheck | inline |
setHeapSize(u32 i_size) | HeapCheck | inline |