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Twilight Princess
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Morpheel (body) More...
#include <d_a_b_ob.h>
Morpheel (body)
Lakebed Temple dungeon boss. This is the core/body part of the boss.
int b_ob_class::field_0x2320 |
cXyz b_ob_class::field_0x2324[512] |
csXyz b_ob_class::field_0x3b24[512] |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x4740 |
s8 b_ob_class::field_0x4744 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x4750 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x4756 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x476a |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x4774[0x4778 - 0x4774] |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x4786[0x4788 - 0x4786] |
int b_ob_class::field_0x478c |
int b_ob_class::field_0x4790 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x4794 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x4798 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x479c |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x47a0 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47a4[3] |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47aa |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47ac |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47ae |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47b0 |
int b_ob_class::field_0x47b4 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47ba |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47bc |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x47c0 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x47c4 |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x4a9c[0x4aa0 - 0x4a9c] |
ob_ke_s b_ob_class::field_0x4f84[5] |
mDoExt_3DlineMat0_c b_ob_class::field_0x5920 |
cXyz b_ob_class::field_0x5be4[13] |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cb4 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cb8 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cbc |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cc0 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cc4 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cc8 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cd0 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cd4 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cd8 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cdc |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x5ce0 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5ce4 |
int b_ob_class::field_0x5ce8 |
cXyz b_ob_class::field_0x5cec |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x5cf8 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5cfc |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5d00 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5d04 |
s16 b_ob_class::field_0x5d08 |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x5d0e[0x5d10 - 0x5d0e] |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x5d10 |
s8 b_ob_class::field_0x5d13 |
f32 b_ob_class::field_0x5d14 |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x5d18 |
u8 b_ob_class::field_0x5d19[0x5d24 - 0x5d19] |
u32 b_ob_class::field_0x5d24[5] |
u32 b_ob_class::field_0x5d38 |
JPABaseEmitter* b_ob_class::field_0x5d40[2][19] |
int b_ob_class::field_0x5dd8 |
dBgS_ObjAcch b_ob_class::mAcch |
dBgS_AcchCir b_ob_class::mAcchCir |
s16 b_ob_class::mAction |
int b_ob_class::mAnmID |
dCcU_AtInfo b_ob_class::mAtInfo |
u8 b_ob_class::mAttnOffTimer |
s16 b_ob_class::mBlureRate |
s16 b_ob_class::mBlureRateTarget |
dCcD_Stts b_ob_class::mBodyCcStts |
ob_part_s b_ob_class::mBodyParts[20] |
dCcD_Sph b_ob_class::mBodySph |
f32 b_ob_class::mBossLightScale |
dCcD_Sph b_ob_class::mCcSph |
f32 b_ob_class::mColsetBlend |
int b_ob_class::mCoreAnm |
u8 b_ob_class::mCoreAnmMode |
s8 b_ob_class::mCoreBattleMode |
dCcD_Stts b_ob_class::mCoreCcStts |
int b_ob_class::mCoreHandNo |
dCcD_Sph b_ob_class::mCoreSph |
s16 b_ob_class::mDemoAction |
s16 b_ob_class::mDemoActionTimer |
cXyz b_ob_class::mDemoCamCenter |
cXyz b_ob_class::mDemoCamCenterTarget |
cXyz b_ob_class::mDemoCamEye |
cXyz b_ob_class::mDemoCamEyeTarget |
f32 b_ob_class::mDemoCamFovy |
int b_ob_class::mDemoMovePosIdx |
f32 b_ob_class::mDistToPlayer |
s8 b_ob_class::mDrawShadow |
s8 b_ob_class::mFishBattleMode |
dCcD_Sph b_ob_class::mFishHeadSph |
s8 b_ob_class::mHangFinishCount |
s8 b_ob_class::mHangHitCount |
s16 b_ob_class::mHangTimer |
s8 b_ob_class::mHideCore |
u8 b_ob_class::mHIOInit |
s16 b_ob_class::mHitIFrameTimer |
s16 b_ob_class::mMode |
csXyz b_ob_class::mMoveAngle |
Z2CreatureOI b_ob_class::mOISound |
mDoExt_McaMorfSO* b_ob_class::mpCoreMorf |
request_of_phase_process_class b_ob_class::mPhase |
mDoExt_brkAnm* b_ob_class::mpSuiBrk |
mDoExt_btkAnm* b_ob_class::mpSuiBtk |
J3DModel* b_ob_class::mpSuiModel |
u32 b_ob_class::mShadowKey |
Z2CreatureEnemy b_ob_class::mSound |
f32 b_ob_class::mSuiBrkFrame |
cXyz b_ob_class::mTargetMovePos |
u32 b_ob_class::mTentacleActorIDs[8] |
s16 b_ob_class::mTimers[6] |
s16 b_ob_class::mXAngleToPlayer |
s16 b_ob_class::mYAngleToPlayer |
s16 b_ob_class::mZoneSwTimer |