Twilight Princess
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
No Matches
daNpc_Hoz_c Class Reference

Iza. More...

#include <d_a_npc_hoz.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for daNpc_Hoz_c:
+ Collaboration diagram for daNpc_Hoz_c:

Public Types

enum  Type {
  TYPE_0 , TYPE_1 , TYPE_2 , TYPE_3 ,
  TYPE_4 , TYPE_5 , TYPE_6

Public Member Functions

 ~daNpc_Hoz_c ()
void create ()
void CreateHeap ()
void Delete ()
void Execute ()
void Draw ()
void createHeapCallBack (fopAc_ac_c *)
void ctrlJointCallBack (J3DJoint *, int)
u8 getType ()
void getFlowNodeNo ()
bool isDelete ()
void reset ()
void setParam ()
void setAfterTalkMotion ()
void srchActors ()
bool checkChangeEvt ()
bool evtTalk ()
bool evtEndProc ()
bool evtCutProc ()
int evtProc ()
void action ()
void beforeMove ()
void setAttnPos ()
void setCollision ()
void evtOrder ()
int drawDbgInfo ()
void selectAction ()
void chkAction (int(daNpc_Hoz_c::*)(void *))
void setAction (int(daNpc_Hoz_c::*)(void *))
void wait (void *)
void waitBattle (void *)
void waitTwilightBattle (void *)
void waitBoat (void *)
void waitBoat2 (void *)
void waitBoat1_5 (void *)
void waitTw (void *)
void talk (void *)
void ECut_boatRace (int)
void ECut_beforeBattle (int)
void ECut_afterBattle (int)
void ECut_beforeBlast (int)
void ECut_afterBlast (int)
void ECut_yMushi (int)
void ECut_talkBreak (int)
 daNpc_Hoz_c (daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c const *, daNpcT_motionAnmData_c const *, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *, int, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *, int, daNpcT_evtData_c const *, char **)
s32 getEyeballMaterialNo ()
s32 getHeadJointNo ()
s32 getNeckJointNo ()
s32 getBackboneJointNo ()
int checkChangeJoint (int)
int checkRemoveJoint (int)
bool getGameStartFlag ()
void setPotBreakFlag ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from daNpcT_c
void tgHitCallBack (fopAc_ac_c *, dCcD_GObjInf *, fopAc_ac_c *, dCcD_GObjInf *)
void srchActor (void *, void *)
void getTrnsfrmKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
void getTexSRTKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
void getTevRegKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
void setBtkAnm (J3DAnmTextureSRTKey *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
void setBrkAnm (J3DAnmTevRegKey *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
void loadRes (s8 const *, char const **)
void deleteRes (s8 const *, char const **)
void execute ()
void draw (int, int, f32, _GXColorS10 *, f32, int, int, int)
void setEnvTevColor ()
void setRoomNo ()
void ctrlBtk ()
void setMtx ()
void ctrlJoint (J3DJoint *, J3DModel *)
void evtProc ()
void setFootPos ()
void setFootPrtcl (cXyz *, f32, f32)
bool checkCullDraw ()
void twilight ()
void evtOrder ()
void evtChange ()
void clrParam ()
void setFaceMotionAnm (int, bool)
void setMotionAnm (int, f32, int)
void setPos (cXyz)
void setAngle (s16)
void setAngle (csXyz)
void chkPointInArea (cXyz, cXyz, f32, f32, f32, s16)
void step (s16, int, int, int, int)
void initTalk (int, fopAc_ac_c **)
void talkProc (int *, int, fopAc_ac_c **, int)
void getNearestActorP (s16)
void getEvtAreaTagP (int, int)
 ~daNpcT_c ()
 daNpcT_c (daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c const *, daNpcT_motionAnmData_c const *, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *, int, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *, int, daNpcT_evtData_c const *, char **)
s32 getEyeballMaterialNo ()
s32 getNeckJointNo ()
void ctrlSubFaceMotion (int)
bool checkChangeJoint (int)
bool checkRemoveJoint (int)
s32 getFootLJointNo ()
s32 getFootRJointNo ()
bool getEyeballLMaterialNo ()
bool getEyeballRMaterialNo ()
bool evtEndProc ()
void afterMoved ()
bool chkXYItems ()
void decTmr ()
bool afterSetFaceMotionAnm (int, int, f32, int)
void getFaceMotionAnm (daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c)
void getMotionAnm (daNpcT_motionAnmData_c)
void changeAnm (int *, int *)
void changeBck (int *, int *)
void changeBtp (int *, int *)
void changeBtk (int *, int *)
 daNpcT_c (daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c const *param_1, daNpcT_motionAnmData_c const *param_2, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *param_3, int param_4, daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const *param_5, int param_6, daNpcT_evtData_c const *param_7, char **param_8)
J3DAnmTransformgetTrnsfrmAnmP (char const *, int)
J3DAnmTransformKeygetTrnsfrmKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
J3DAnmTexPatterngetTexPtrnAnmP (char const *, int)
J3DAnmTextureSRTKeygetTexSRTKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
J3DAnmTevRegKeygetTevRegKeyAnmP (char const *, int)
J3DAnmColorgetColorAnmP (char const *, int)
void setBckAnm (J3DAnmTransform *, f32, int, int, int, bool)
int setMcaMorfAnm (J3DAnmTransformKey *, f32, f32, int, int, int)
void setBtpAnm (J3DAnmTexPattern *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
void setBtkAnm (J3DAnmTextureSRTKey *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
void setBrkAnm (J3DAnmTevRegKey *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
void setBpkAnm (J3DAnmColor *, J3DModelData *, f32, int)
int loadRes (s8 const *, char const **)
void deleteRes (s8 const *, char const **)
int execute ()
int draw (int, int, f32, _GXColorS10 *, f32, int, int, int)
void setEnvTevColor ()
void setRoomNo ()
int checkEndAnm (f32)
int checkEndAnm (J3DFrameCtrl *, f32)
void playAllAnm ()
void setMtx ()
void ctrlFaceMotion ()
void ctrlMotion ()
int ctrlMsgAnm (int *, int *, fopAc_ac_c *, int)
void evtChange ()
bool setFaceMotionAnm (int, bool)
void setPos (cXyz)
void setAngle (s16)
void setAngle (csXyz)
fopAc_ac_chitChk (dCcD_GObjInf *, u32)
void setDamage (int, int, int)
BOOL chkActorInSight (fopAc_ac_c *, f32, s16)
BOOL chkPointInArea (cXyz, cXyz, f32, f32, f32, s16)
BOOL chkPointInArea (cXyz, cXyz, cXyz, s16)
void chkFindActor (fopAc_ac_c *, int, s16)
void chkWolfAction ()
void chkFindWolf (s16, int, int, f32, f32, f32, f32, int)
BOOL srchPlayerActor ()
void getAttnPos (fopAc_ac_c *)
void turn (s16, int, int)
int step (s16, int, int, int, int)
void calcSpeedAndAngle (cXyz, int, s16, s16)
void getActorDistance (fopAc_ac_c *, int, int)
int initTalk (int, fopAc_ac_c **)
int talkProc (int *, int, fopAc_ac_c **, int)
fopAc_ac_cgetNearestActorP (s16)
fopAc_ac_cgetEvtAreaTagP (int, int)
fopAc_ac_cgetShopItemTagP ()
void setHitodamaPrtcl ()
virtual ~daNpcT_c ()
virtual void ctrlBtk ()
virtual void ctrlSubFaceMotion (int)
virtual s32 getFootLJointNo ()
virtual s32 getFootRJointNo ()
virtual int getEyeballLMaterialNo ()
virtual bool getEyeballRMaterialNo ()
virtual void ctrlJoint (J3DJoint *, J3DModel *)
virtual void afterJntAnm (int)
virtual void afterMoved ()
virtual void setFootPos ()
virtual void setFootPrtcl (cXyz *, f32, f32)
virtual bool checkCullDraw ()
virtual void twilight ()
virtual bool chkXYItems ()
virtual void decTmr ()
virtual void clrParam ()
virtual void drawOtherMdl ()
virtual void drawGhost ()
virtual bool afterSetFaceMotionAnm (int, int, f32, int)
virtual bool afterSetMotionAnm (int, int, f32, int)
virtual daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c getFaceMotionAnm (daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c param_1)
virtual daNpcT_motionAnmData_c getMotionAnm (daNpcT_motionAnmData_c param_1)
virtual void changeAnm (int *, int *)
virtual void changeBck (int *, int *)
virtual void changeBtp (int *, int *)
virtual void changeBtk (int *, int *)
virtual bool setMotionAnm (int, f32, int)
bool checkHide ()
s16 checkStep ()
void setCommander (fopAc_ac_c *param_0)
void initialize ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from fopAc_ac_c
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()
 fopAc_ac_c ()
 ~fopAc_ac_c ()

Static Public Attributes

static void * mCutNameList [8]
static u8 mCutList [96]
- Static Public Attributes inherited from daNpcT_c
static u8 mCcDCyl [68]
static u8 mFindActorPtrs [200]
static u8 mSrchName [2+2]
static u8 mFindCount [4]
static dCcD_SrcGObjInf const mCcDObjData
static dCcD_SrcCyl mCcDCyl
static dCcD_SrcSph mCcDSph
static fopAc_ac_cmFindActorPtrs [50]
static s16 mSrchName
static s32 mFindCount
- Static Public Attributes inherited from fopAc_ac_c
static u32 stopStatus

Private Attributes

u8 field_0xe40 [0x14d]
bool mGameStartFlag
bool mPotBreakFlag
u8 field_0xf8f [0x39]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from daNpcT_c
static void tgHitCallBack (fopAc_ac_c *, dCcD_GObjInf *, fopAc_ac_c *, dCcD_GObjInf *)
static int srchActor (void *, void *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fopAc_ac_c
static void setStopStatus (u32 status)
- Public Attributes inherited from daNpcT_c
daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c const * field_0x568
daNpcT_motionAnmData_c const * field_0x56c
daNpcT_evtData_c const * field_0x570
char ** field_0x574
mDoExt_McaMorfSOmpMorf [2]
Z2Creature field_0x580
mDoExt_bckAnm mBckAnm
mDoExt_btpAnm mBtpAnm
mDoExt_btkAnm mBtkAnm
mDoExt_brkAnm mBrkAnm
mDoExt_bpkAnm mBpkAnm
dBgS_ObjAcch field_0x68c
dCcD_Stts field_0x864
dBgS_AcchCir field_0x8a0
request_of_phase_process_class field_0x8e0 [10]
cBgS_GndChk field_0x930
u8 field_0x970 [4]
dMsgFlow_c mFlow
dPaPoT_c field_0x9c0
dCcD_Stts field_0xa40
u32 field_0xa7c
f32 field_0xa80
f32 field_0xa84
u8 field_0xa88
u8 field_0xa89
dBgS_GndChk field_0xa8c
dBgS_LinChk field_0xae0
daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c field_0xb50
daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c field_0xb74
daNpcT_ActorMngr_c field_0xb98
daNpcT_ActorMngr_c field_0xba0
daNpcT_JntAnm_c field_0xba8
daNpcT_DmgStagger_c field_0xd08
cXyz field_0xd24
cXyz field_0xd30
cXyz field_0xd3c
cXyz field_0xd48
cXyz field_0xd54
cXyz field_0xd60
cXyz field_0xd6c
csXyz field_0xd78
csXyz field_0xd7e
csXyz field_0xd84
csXyz field_0xd8a
u32 field_0xd90
u32 field_0xd94
u32 field_0xd98
u32 mMsgId
u8 field_0xda0 [8]
u32 field_0xda8
int field_0xdac
int mCutType
int field_0xdb4
int field_0xdb8
int mTimer
int field_0xdc0
int field_0xdc4
s16 field_0xdc8
s16 field_0xdca
u8 field_0xdcc [10]
s16 field_0xdd4
s16 mStepNo
s16 field_0xdda
f32 field_0xddc
f32 field_0xde0
f32 field_0xde4
f32 field_0xde8
f32 field_0xdec
f32 field_0xdf0
f32 field_0xdf4
f32 field_0xdf8
f32 field_0xdfc
cXyz field_0xe00
cXyz field_0xe0c
s16 field_0xe18
s16 field_0xe1a
s16 field_0xe1c
u16 field_0xe1e
u16 field_0xe20
u16 field_0xe22
s8 field_0xe24
u8 field_0xe25
u8 field_0xe26
u8 field_0xe27
u8 field_0xe28
u8 field_0xe29
u8 field_0xe2a
u8 field_0xe2b
u8 field_0xe2c
u8 field_0xe2d
u8 field_0xe2e [2]
u16 field_0xe30
u8 field_0xe32
u8 field_0xe33
u8 field_0xe34
u8 field_0xe35
u8 field_0xe36
u8 field_0xe37
u8 field_0xe38
- Public Attributes inherited from fopAc_ac_c
int actor_type
create_tag_class actor_tag
create_tag_class draw_tag
dEvt_info_c eventInfo
dKy_tevstr_c tevStr
u16 setID
u8 group
u8 cullType
u8 demoActorID
s8 subtype
u8 carryType
u32 actor_status
u32 actor_condition
fpc_ProcID parentActorID
actor_place home
actor_place old
actor_place current
csXyz shape_angle
cXyz scale
cXyz speed
MtxP cullMtx
union { 
   cull_box   box 
   cull_sphere   sphere 
f32 cullSizeFar
f32 speedF
f32 gravity
f32 maxFallSpeed
cXyz eyePos
actor_attention_types attention_info
s16 field_0x560
s16 health
u8 field_0x564
u8 field_0x565
s8 field_0x566
s8 field_0x567
- Public Attributes inherited from leafdraw_class
base_process_class base
s8 unk_0xBC
u8 unk_0xBD
draw_priority_class draw_priority

Detailed Description


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Type


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~daNpc_Hoz_c()

daNpc_Hoz_c::~daNpc_Hoz_c ( )

◆ daNpc_Hoz_c()

daNpc_Hoz_c::daNpc_Hoz_c ( daNpcT_faceMotionAnmData_c const * param_1,
daNpcT_motionAnmData_c const * param_2,
daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const * param_3,
int param_4,
daNpcT_MotionSeqMngr_c::sequenceStepData_c const * param_5,
int param_6,
daNpcT_evtData_c const * param_7,
char ** param_8 )

Member Function Documentation

◆ action()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::action ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ beforeMove()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::beforeMove ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ checkChangeEvt()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::checkChangeEvt ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ checkChangeJoint()

int daNpc_Hoz_c::checkChangeJoint ( int param_0)

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ checkRemoveJoint()

int daNpc_Hoz_c::checkRemoveJoint ( int param_0)

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ chkAction()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::chkAction ( int(daNpc_Hoz_c::* param_0 )(void *))

◆ create()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::create ( )

◆ CreateHeap()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::CreateHeap ( )

◆ createHeapCallBack()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::createHeapCallBack ( fopAc_ac_c * param_0)

◆ ctrlJointCallBack()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ctrlJointCallBack ( J3DJoint * param_0,
int param_1 )

◆ Delete()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::Delete ( )

◆ Draw()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::Draw ( )

◆ drawDbgInfo()

BOOL daNpc_Hoz_c::drawDbgInfo ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ ECut_afterBattle()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_afterBattle ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_afterBlast()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_afterBlast ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_beforeBattle()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_beforeBattle ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_beforeBlast()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_beforeBlast ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_boatRace()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_boatRace ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_talkBreak()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_talkBreak ( int param_0)

◆ ECut_yMushi()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::ECut_yMushi ( int param_0)

◆ evtCutProc()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::evtCutProc ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ evtEndProc()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::evtEndProc ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ evtOrder()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::evtOrder ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ evtProc()

int daNpc_Hoz_c::evtProc ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ evtTalk()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::evtTalk ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ Execute()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::Execute ( )

◆ getBackboneJointNo()

s32 daNpc_Hoz_c::getBackboneJointNo ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ getEyeballMaterialNo()

s32 daNpc_Hoz_c::getEyeballMaterialNo ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ getFlowNodeNo()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::getFlowNodeNo ( )

◆ getGameStartFlag()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::getGameStartFlag ( )

◆ getHeadJointNo()

s32 daNpc_Hoz_c::getHeadJointNo ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ getNeckJointNo()

s32 daNpc_Hoz_c::getNeckJointNo ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ getType()

u8 daNpc_Hoz_c::getType ( )

◆ isDelete()

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::isDelete ( )

◆ reset()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::reset ( )

◆ selectAction()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::selectAction ( )

◆ setAction()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setAction ( int(daNpc_Hoz_c::* param_0 )(void *))

◆ setAfterTalkMotion()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setAfterTalkMotion ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ setAttnPos()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setAttnPos ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ setCollision()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setCollision ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ setParam()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setParam ( )

Reimplemented from daNpcT_c.

◆ setPotBreakFlag()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::setPotBreakFlag ( )

◆ srchActors()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::srchActors ( )

◆ talk()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::talk ( void * param_0)

◆ wait()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::wait ( void * param_0)

◆ waitBattle()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitBattle ( void * param_0)

◆ waitBoat()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitBoat ( void * param_0)

◆ waitBoat1_5()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitBoat1_5 ( void * param_0)

◆ waitBoat2()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitBoat2 ( void * param_0)

◆ waitTw()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitTw ( void * param_0)

◆ waitTwilightBattle()

void daNpc_Hoz_c::waitTwilightBattle ( void * param_0)

Member Data Documentation

◆ field_0xe40

u8 daNpc_Hoz_c::field_0xe40[0x14d]

◆ field_0xf8f

u8 daNpc_Hoz_c::field_0xf8f[0x39]

◆ mCutList

SECTION_DATA u8 daNpc_Hoz_c::mCutList
Initial value:
= {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

◆ mCutNameList

SECTION_DATA void * daNpc_Hoz_c::mCutNameList
Initial value:
= {
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x1),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x1C),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x2A),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x37),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x44),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x50),
(void*)(((char*)&d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0) + 0x58),
char const *const d_a_npc_hoz__stringBase0

◆ mGameStartFlag

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::mGameStartFlag

◆ mPotBreakFlag

bool daNpc_Hoz_c::mPotBreakFlag

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: