Twilight Princess
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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GXTransform.c File Reference


void GXProject (f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, const Mtx mtx, const f32 *pm, const f32 *vp, f32 *sx, f32 *sy, f32 *sz)
static void WriteProjPS (const register f32 proj[6], register volatile void *dest)
static void Copy6Floats (const register f32 src[6], register volatile f32 *dest)
void __GXSetProjection (void)
void GXSetProjection (const Mtx44 mtx, GXProjectionType type)
void GXSetProjectionv (const f32 *ptr)
void GXGetProjectionv (f32 *ptr)
static void WriteMTXPS4x3 (const register f32 mtx[3][4], register volatile f32 *dest)
static void WriteMTXPS3x3from3x4 (register f32 mtx[3][4], register volatile f32 *dest)
static void WriteMTXPS3x3 (register f32 mtx[3][3], register volatile f32 *dest)
static void WriteMTXPS4x2 (const register f32 mtx[2][4], register volatile f32 *dest)
void GXLoadPosMtxImm (const Mtx mtx, u32 id)
void GXLoadPosMtxIndx (u16 mtx_indx, u32 id)
void GXLoadNrmMtxImm (const Mtx mtx, u32 id)
void GXLoadNrmMtxImm3x3 (const f32 mtx[3][3], u32 id)
void GXLoadNrmMtxIndx3x3 (u16 mtx_indx, u32 id)
void GXSetCurrentMtx (u32 id)
void GXLoadTexMtxImm (const f32 mtx[][4], u32 id, GXTexMtxType type)
void GXLoadTexMtxIndx (u16 mtx_indx, u32 id, GXTexMtxType type)
void __GXSetViewport (void)
void GXSetViewportJitter (f32 left, f32 top, f32 wd, f32 ht, f32 nearz, f32 farz, u32 field)
void GXSetViewport (f32 left, f32 top, f32 wd, f32 ht, f32 nearz, f32 farz)
void GXGetViewportv (f32 *vp)
void GXSetZScaleOffset (f32 scale, f32 offset)
void GXSetScissor (u32 left, u32 top, u32 wd, u32 ht)
void GXGetScissor (u32 *left, u32 *top, u32 *wd, u32 *ht)
void GXSetScissorBoxOffset (s32 x_off, s32 y_off)
void GXSetClipMode (GXClipMode mode)
void __GXSetMatrixIndex (GXAttr matIdxAttr)

Function Documentation

◆ __GXSetMatrixIndex()

void __GXSetMatrixIndex ( GXAttr matIdxAttr)

◆ __GXSetProjection()

void __GXSetProjection ( void )

◆ __GXSetViewport()

void __GXSetViewport ( void )

◆ Copy6Floats()

static void Copy6Floats ( const register f32 src[6],
register volatile f32 * dest )

◆ GXGetProjectionv()

void GXGetProjectionv ( f32 * ptr)

◆ GXGetScissor()

void GXGetScissor ( u32 * left,
u32 * top,
u32 * wd,
u32 * ht )

◆ GXGetViewportv()

void GXGetViewportv ( f32 * vp)

◆ GXLoadNrmMtxImm()

void GXLoadNrmMtxImm ( const Mtx mtx,
u32 id )

◆ GXLoadNrmMtxImm3x3()

void GXLoadNrmMtxImm3x3 ( const f32 mtx[3][3],
u32 id )

◆ GXLoadNrmMtxIndx3x3()

void GXLoadNrmMtxIndx3x3 ( u16 mtx_indx,
u32 id )

◆ GXLoadPosMtxImm()

void GXLoadPosMtxImm ( const Mtx mtx,
u32 id )

◆ GXLoadPosMtxIndx()

void GXLoadPosMtxIndx ( u16 mtx_indx,
u32 id )

◆ GXLoadTexMtxImm()

void GXLoadTexMtxImm ( const f32 mtx[][4],
u32 id,
GXTexMtxType type )

◆ GXLoadTexMtxIndx()

void GXLoadTexMtxIndx ( u16 mtx_indx,
u32 id,
GXTexMtxType type )

◆ GXProject()

void GXProject ( f32 x,
f32 y,
f32 z,
const Mtx mtx,
const f32 * pm,
const f32 * vp,
f32 * sx,
f32 * sy,
f32 * sz )

◆ GXSetClipMode()

void GXSetClipMode ( GXClipMode mode)

◆ GXSetCurrentMtx()

void GXSetCurrentMtx ( u32 id)

◆ GXSetProjection()

void GXSetProjection ( const Mtx44 mtx,
GXProjectionType type )

◆ GXSetProjectionv()

void GXSetProjectionv ( const f32 * ptr)

◆ GXSetScissor()

void GXSetScissor ( u32 left,
u32 top,
u32 wd,
u32 ht )

◆ GXSetScissorBoxOffset()

void GXSetScissorBoxOffset ( s32 x_off,
s32 y_off )

◆ GXSetViewport()

void GXSetViewport ( f32 left,
f32 top,
f32 wd,
f32 ht,
f32 nearz,
f32 farz )

◆ GXSetViewportJitter()

void GXSetViewportJitter ( f32 left,
f32 top,
f32 wd,
f32 ht,
f32 nearz,
f32 farz,
u32 field )

◆ GXSetZScaleOffset()

void GXSetZScaleOffset ( f32 scale,
f32 offset )

◆ WriteMTXPS3x3()

static void WriteMTXPS3x3 ( register f32 mtx[3][3],
register volatile f32 * dest )

◆ WriteMTXPS3x3from3x4()

static void WriteMTXPS3x3from3x4 ( register f32 mtx[3][4],
register volatile f32 * dest )

◆ WriteMTXPS4x2()

static void WriteMTXPS4x2 ( const register f32 mtx[2][4],
register volatile f32 * dest )

◆ WriteMTXPS4x3()

static void WriteMTXPS4x3 ( const register f32 mtx[3][4],
register volatile f32 * dest )

◆ WriteProjPS()

static void WriteProjPS ( const register f32 proj[6],
register volatile void * dest )