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Twilight Princess
Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
This is the complete list of members for J2DPane, including all inherited members.
_fc | J2DPane | |
add(f32 x, f32 y) | J2DPane | virtual |
animationPane(const J2DAnmTransform *transform) | J2DPane | virtual |
animationTransform() | J2DPane | |
animationTransform(const J2DAnmTransform *transform) | J2DPane | virtual |
appendChild(J2DPane *child) | J2DPane | |
calcMtx() | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
changeUseTrans(J2DPane *other) | J2DPane | |
clearAnmTransform() | J2DPane | virtual |
clip(const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &bounds) | J2DPane | |
draw(f32 a1, f32 a2, const J2DGrafContext *ctx, bool a4, bool a5) | J2DPane | |
drawSelf(f32 arg1, f32 arg2) | J2DPane | virtual |
drawSelf(f32 arg1, f32 arg2, Mtx *mtx) | J2DPane | virtual |
field_0x4 | J2DPane | |
getAlpha() const | J2DPane | inline |
getBounds() | J2DPane | |
getEndChild() | J2DPane | inline |
getFirstChild() | J2DPane | inline |
getFirstChildPane() | J2DPane | |
getGlbBounds() | J2DPane | inline |
getGlbMtx() | J2DPane | inline |
getGlbVtx(u8 arg1) const | J2DPane | |
getHeight() const | J2DPane | inline |
getKind() const | J2DPane | inline |
getMtx() const | J2DPane | inline |
getNextChildPane() | J2DPane | |
getPaneTree() | J2DPane | inline |
getParentPane() | J2DPane | |
getPointer(JSURandomInputStream *stream, u32 size, JKRArchive *archive) | J2DPane | |
getRotateZ() const | J2DPane | inline |
getRotOffsetX() const | J2DPane | inline |
getRotOffsetY() const | J2DPane | inline |
getScaleX() const | J2DPane | inline |
getScaleY() const | J2DPane | inline |
getTranslateX() const | J2DPane | inline |
getTranslateY() const | J2DPane | inline |
getTypeID() const | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
getWidth() const | J2DPane | inline |
hide() | J2DPane | inline |
initialize(J2DPane *, bool, u64, const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &) | J2DPane | |
initialize(u64 tag, const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &dim) | J2DPane | |
initiate() | J2DPane | |
insertChild(J2DPane *before, J2DPane *child) | J2DPane | |
isConnectParent() const | J2DPane | inline |
isUsed(const ResTIMG *timg) | J2DPane | virtual |
isUsed(const ResFONT *font) | J2DPane | virtual |
isVisible() const | J2DPane | inline |
J2DCast_F32_to_S16(f32 value, u8 arg2) | J2DPane | static |
J2DPane() | J2DPane | |
J2DPane(J2DPane *, bool, u64, const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &) | J2DPane | |
J2DPane(u64, const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &) | J2DPane | |
J2DPane(J2DPane *other, JSURandomInputStream *stream, u8 arg3) | J2DPane | |
makeMatrix(f32 a, f32 b) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
makeMatrix(f32 a, f32 b, f32 c, f32 d) | J2DPane | virtual |
makePaneExStream(J2DPane *other, JSURandomInputStream *stream) | J2DPane | |
makePaneStream(J2DPane *other, JSURandomInputStream *stream) | J2DPane | |
mAlpha | J2DPane | |
mBasePosition | J2DPane | |
mBounds | J2DPane | |
mClipRect | J2DPane | |
mColorAlpha | J2DPane | |
mConnected | J2DPane | |
mCullMode | J2DPane | |
mGlobalBounds | J2DPane | |
mGlobalMtx | J2DPane | |
mInfoTag | J2DPane | |
mIsInfluencedAlpha | J2DPane | |
mKind | J2DPane | |
move(f32 x, f32 y) | J2DPane | virtual |
mPaneTree | J2DPane | |
mPositionMtx | J2DPane | |
mRotateOffsetX | J2DPane | |
mRotateOffsetY | J2DPane | |
mRotateX | J2DPane | |
mRotateY | J2DPane | |
mRotateZ | J2DPane | |
mRotAxis | J2DPane | |
mScaleX | J2DPane | |
mScaleY | J2DPane | |
mTransform | J2DPane | |
mTranslateX | J2DPane | |
mTranslateY | J2DPane | |
mUserInfoTag | J2DPane | |
mVisible | J2DPane | |
place(const JGeometry::TBox2< f32 > &dim) | J2DPane | |
resize(f32 x, f32 y) | J2DPane | virtual |
rewriteAlpha() | J2DPane | virtual |
rotate(f32 offsetX, f32 offsetY, J2DRotateAxis axis, f32 angle) | J2DPane | |
rotate(f32 angle) | J2DPane | |
scale(f32 scaleH, f32 scaleV) | J2DPane | inline |
search(u64 tag) | J2DPane | virtual |
searchUserInfo(u64 tag) | J2DPane | virtual |
setAlpha(u8) | J2DPane | virtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmBase *anm) | J2DPane | virtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmTransform *anm) | J2DPane | virtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmColor *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmTexPattern *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmTextureSRTKey *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmTevRegKey *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmVisibilityFull *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimation(J2DAnmVtxColor *anm) | J2DPane | inlinevirtual |
setAnimationVC(J2DAnmVtxColor *vtx_color) | J2DPane | virtual |
setAnimationVF(J2DAnmVisibilityFull *visibility) | J2DPane | virtual |
setBasePosition(J2DBasePosition position) | J2DPane | |
setConnectParent(bool connected) | J2DPane | virtual |
setCullBack(bool cull) | J2DPane | virtual |
setCullBack(_GXCullMode cmode) | J2DPane | virtual |
setInfluencedAlpha(bool arg1, bool arg2) | J2DPane | |
setMtx(Mtx m) | J2DPane | inline |
setUserInfo(u64 info) | J2DPane | inline |
setVisibileAnimation(J2DAnmVisibilityFull *visibility) | J2DPane | virtual |
setVtxColorAnimation(J2DAnmVtxColor *vtx_color) | J2DPane | virtual |
show() | J2DPane | inline |
static_mBounds | J2DPane | static |
translate(f32 transX, f32 transY) | J2DPane | inline |
update() | J2DPane | virtual |
updateTransform(const J2DAnmTransform *transform) | J2DPane | |
~J2DPane() | J2DPane | virtual |