ManagersEntities with a smaller footprint of 0x40 bytes.
- file angryStatueManager.c
- Manages the synchronized shooting and destruction of the AngryStatues.
- file animatedBackgroundManager.c
- Set up bg3 for cloud tops, vaati2 and some beanstalks.
- file armosInteriorManager.c
- Armos Interior Manager.
- file bombableWallManager.c
- Manages bombable walls.
- file bridgeManager.c
- Manages spawn/removal of bridges.
- file cameraTargetManager.c
- Creates a camera target object when a flag is set.
- file cloudOverlayManager.c
- Cloud bg overlay for Hyrule Fields.
- file cloudStaircaseTransitionManager.c
- Manages the transition on top of a cloud staircase.
- file delayedEntityLoadManager.c
- Delayed entity loader.
- file destructibleTileObserveManager.c
- Sets a flag when a tile changes, e.g.
- file diggingCaveEntranceManager.c
- Manages digging cave entrances.
- file enemyInteractionManager.c
- Interaction between enemies.
- file enterRoomTextboxManager.c
- Shows textbox when entering the room.
- file entitySpawnManager.c
- Load a entity list when a flag is set.
- file ezloHintManager.c
- Shows Ezlo hints.
- file fallingItemManager.c
- Item that is falling from the sky.
- file fightManager.c
- Manages fights with multiple enemies.
- file flagAndOperatorManager.c
- Sets a flag if all of the flags are set.
- file flameManager.c
- Manages flame that can be ignited with the lamp.
- file floatingPlatformManager.c
- Spawns lists of floating platforms together.
- file goronMerchantShopManager.c
- Spawns the shop items for the kinstones for the goron merchant.
- file holeManager.c
- Hole that you can fall into.
- file horizontalMinishPathBackgroundManager.c
- Parallax scrolling for horizontal MinishPaths.
- file houseSignManager.c
- Keeps track in its bitfield of whether 0x10 x 0x10 rects at certain positions are on the screen.
- file hyruleTownBellManager.c
- Spawns the heart piece if the player jumps against the bell in Hyrule Town.
- file hyruleTownTileSetManager.c
- Swap tileSet data in hyrule town depending on the position.
- file lightLevelSetManager.c
- Changes the light level when a flag is set.
- file lightManager.c
- Manages the light in dark rooms.
- file lightRayManager.c
- Creates and updates light rays.
- file manager29.c
- Unused? Not yet encountered.
- file minishPortalManager.c
- Facilitates the usage of minish portals.
- file minishRaftersBackgroundManager.c
- Parallax background for minish rafters.
- file minishSizedEntranceManager.c
- Spawns MINISH_SIZED_ENTRANCE at the locations in the room property super->unk_0a when they are visible on the screen.
- file minishVillageTileSetManager.c
- Swap tileSet data in minish village depending on the position.
- file miscManager.c
- Various different functionalities selected with paramA/unk_0a.
- file moveableObjectManager.c
- Create object at different place depending on if the flag is set.
- file powBackgroundManager.c
- Palace of Wind background animation.
- file pushableFurnitureManager.c
- Creates pushable furniture based on a room property list.
- file railIntersectionManager.c
- Change the rail next to the rotating rail so that it connects.
- file rainfallManager.c
- Rainfall on the crenel minish path.
- file regionTriggerManager.c
- Set a flag if the player moves into a region.
- file repeatedSoundManager.c
- Repeatedly plays the same sound with a fixed wait time.
- file rollingBarrelManager.c
- Rolling barrel in Deepwood Shrine.
- file secretManager.c
- Sets a flag and plays a sound if another flag is set.
- file specialWarpManager.c
- Handles some special warps, like beanstalks, minish holes or the entrances into minish village.
- file staticBackgroundManager.c
- Sets up static bg 3 images?
- file steamOverlayManager.c
- Steamy overlay bg in Cave of Flames.
- file templeOfDropletsManager.c
- Various managers in Temple of Droplets, e.g.
- file tileChangeObserveManager.c
- Loads entity lists when a tile changes.
- file tilePuzzleManager.c
- Tile puzzles (step on all blue tiles exactly once).
- file vaati3BackgroundManager.c
- Scrolling background during Vaati 3.
- file vaati3InsideArmManager.c
- Manages the inside of the arms of Vaati3.
- file vaati3StartManager.c
- Manages the transition to and start of Vaati3.
- file vaatiAppearingManager.c
- Handles the appearing and disappearing effect for Vaati.
- file verticalMinishPathBackgroundManager.c
- Parallax scrolling for MinishPaths vertical.
- file waterfallBottomManager.c
- Sets a tile at the bottom of the climb next to the waterfall in Temple of Droplets.
- file weatherChangeManager.c
- Weather change on top of Mount Crenel.