src/vram.c file


void ReserveGFXSlots(u32, u32, u32)
void sub_080ADE74(u32)
void sub_080ADE24(void)
auto FindFreeGFXSlots(u32) -> u32
Finds slotCount continuos free slots and returns the index of the first slot or 0 if not enough free slots could be found.
void CleanUpGFXSlots(void)
void sub_080ADDD8(u32, u32)
void sub_080AE0C8(u32, Entity*, u32)
void SetGFXSlotStatus(GfxSlot*, u32)
auto FindNextOccupiedGFXSlot(u32) -> u32
auto FindFirstFreeGFXSlot(void) -> u32
void sub_080AE218(u32, u32)
void MoveGFXSlots(u32, u32)
void ResetPalettes(void)
void sub_080ADD70(void)
auto LoadFixedGFX(Entity* entity, u32 gfxIndex) -> bool32
auto LoadSwapGFX(Entity* entity, u32 count, u32 slotIndex) -> bool32
void UnloadGFXSlots(Entity* param_1)


u32 gFixedTypeGfxData