UIElement struct

Floating UI element.

Public variables

u8 : 1 used
u8 : 1 unk_0_1
u8 : 2 unk_0_2
u8 : 4 unk_0_4
u8 type
u8 type2
u8 buttonElementId
Id of the button UI element this text is attached to.
u8 action
u8 unk_5
u8 unk_6
u8 unk_7
u8 unk_8
u8 unk_9
u16 x
u16 y
u8 frameIndex
u8 duration
u8 spriteSettings
u8 frameSettings
Frame* framePtr
u8 unk_18
u8 numTiles
u16 unk_1a
u32* firstTile

Variable documentation

u8 UIElement::type