SaveFile struct

Contains all information about a save file.

The contents of this structure are read from and written to EEPROM.

Public variables

u8 invalid
save file is invalid
u8 initialized
save file is initialized
u8 msg_speed
message speed setting
u8 brightness
brightness setting
u8 filler4
unused filler
u8 saw_staffroll
beat the game and watched the credits
u8 dws_barrel_state
state of the big barrel in DWS, 0 or 2
u8 global_progress
u8 available_figurines
figurines available to get
u8 fillerA
unused filler
u16 map_hints
bitmask, used by subtask MapHint
u8 filler22
unused filler
u32 windcrests
upper 8 bit Windcrest flags
u8 filler44
unused filler
u32 enemies_killed
number of enemies killed
u8 filler54
unused filler
u32 items_bought
number of items bought in stockwells shop
u32 areaVisitFlags
Area visit flags.
char name
Save file name.
u8 filler86
unused filler
PlayerRoomStatus saved_status
Player room status.
Stats stats
Player stats.
u8 fillerCC
unused filler
u8 figurines
figurine bitset
u8 inventory
2 bit per item
KinstoneSave kinstones
save data for kinstones
u8 flags
u8 dungeonKeys
indexed by dungeon id, keys per dungeon
u8 dungeonItems
dungeon items 4: compass, 2: big key, 1: small key
u8 dungeonWarps
indexed by dungeon id
u32 darknut_timer
timer for darknut fight before Vaati fight
u32 drug_kill_count
"timer" enemy kill count when turning in the last drug quest item
u32 biggoron_timer
timer for biggoron mirror shield
u32 vaati_timer
timer for vaati wrath fight
u32 timer4
"timer4" unused
u32 timer5
"timer5" unused
u32 timer6
"timer6" unused
u32 demo_timer
timer for US demo version playtime limit
u8 filler4ac
unused filler

Variable documentation

u32 SaveFile::windcrests

upper 8 bit Windcrest flags

u8 SaveFile::inventory

2 bit per item

KinstoneSave SaveFile::kinstones

save data for kinstones