PlayerState struct
#include <include/player.h>
Public variables
- u8 prevAnim
- u8 grab_status
- u8 jump_status
- u8 shield_status
- u8 attack_status
- u8 heldObject
- u8 pushedObject
- u8 field_0x7
- u16 animation
- u8 field_0xa
- u8 keepFacing
- u8 queued_action
- u8 direction
- u8 itemAnimPriority
- u8 hurtBlinkSpeed
- u8 field_0x10
- u8 surfacePositionSameTimer
- u8 floor_type
- u8 floor_type_last
- u8 field_0x14
- u8 field_0x15
- u16 startPosX
- u16 startPosY
- u8 mobility
- u8 sword_state
- u8 gustJarState
- u8 gustJarCharge
- u8 dash_state
- u8 field_0x1f
- u8 bow_state
- u16 tilePos
- u16 tileType
- u8 swim_state
- Is the player swimming? 0x80 for diving.
- u8 field_0x27
- Entity* item
- u32 flags
- u8 field_0x34
- u8 field_0x35
- u8 field_0x36
- u8 surfaceTimer
- u8 field_0x38
- u8 field_0x39
- u8 field_0x3a
- u8 field_0x3b
- u8 killed
- Non-zero if player is dead.
- u8 moleMittsState
- u8 : 2 swordDamage
- u8 : 6 filler14
- s8 spriteOffsetY
- u32 path_memory
- u16 speed_modifier
- u8 field_0x82
- u8 playerPalette
- Entity* lilypad
- Last lilypad the player was standing on?
- u8 field_0x88
- u8 remainingDiveTime
- Frames that the player can continue to dive.
- u8 field_0x8a
- u8 controlMode
- u16 vel_x
- u16 vel_y
- PlayerInput playerInput
- ChargeState chargeState
- u8 framestate
- u8 framestate_last
- u8 attachedBeetleCount
- Count of the Beetles attached to the player.
- u8 lastSwordMove
- The last move that has been performed with the sword.
- u16 skills
- Bitfield of skills.
- u8 pad
Variable documentation
u8 PlayerState:: floor_type
u8 PlayerState:: floor_type_last
u8 PlayerState:: lastSwordMove
The last move that has been performed with the sword.