OctorokBossEntity struct
#include <include/enemy/octorokBoss.h>
Public variables
- Entity base
- union SplitHWord field_0x68
- union SplitHWord field_0x6a
- union SplitHWord field_0x6c
- union SplitHWord field_0x6e
- union SplitWord field_0x70
- u16 unk_74
- u16 unk_76
- u8 attackWaitTurns
- Turns until the next attack.
- u8 timer
- Reused timer.
- union SplitHWord angle
- Angle of legs.
- u8 bossPhase
- Boss Phase 0: unfrozen 1: frozen 1 2: unfrozen 3: frozen 2 4: unfrozen -> death.
- u8 currentAttack
- u8 nextAttackIndex
- u8 unk_7f
- u8 unk_80
- u8 phase4AttackPattern
- Which attack pattern is currently used in phase 4.
- union SplitHWord angularSpeed
- OctorokBossHeap* heap
- Heap data allocated with zMalloc.