ItemBehavior struct

Public variables

u8 field_0x0
u8 behaviorId
u8 field_0x2
u8 stateID
u8 field_0x5
u8 field_0x6
u8 timer
u8 subtimer
u8 priority
u8 playerAnimationState
u8 direction
u8 playerAnimIndex
Stored animIndex of the player entity.
u8 playerFrameDuration
Stored frameDuration of the player entity.
u8 playerFrame
Stored frame of the player entity.
u8 animPriority
In sub_08079064 the animIndex of the ItemBehavior with the max animPriority is selected.
u16 animIndex
u8 playerFrameIndex
Stored frameIndex of the player entity.
u8 field_0x13
Entity* field_0x18

Variable documentation

u8 ItemBehavior::playerFrame

Stored frame of the player entity.

But also used for general purpose in item behaviours?