This is the complete list of members for daTbox_c, including all inherited members.
action() | daTbox_c | inline |
actionDemo() | daTbox_c | |
actionDemo2() | daTbox_c | |
actionDropDemo() | daTbox_c | |
actionDropForWeb() | daTbox_c | |
actionDropWait() | daTbox_c | |
actionDropWaitForWeb() | daTbox_c | |
actionGenocide() | daTbox_c | |
actionNotOpenDemo() | daTbox_c | |
actionOpenWait() | daTbox_c | |
actionSwOnWait() | daTbox_c | |
actionSwOnWait2() | daTbox_c | |
actionWait() | daTbox_c | |
actor_condition | fopAc_ac_c | |
actor_status | fopAc_ac_c | |
actor_tag | fopAc_ac_c | |
actor_type | fopAc_ac_c | |
attention_info | fopAc_ac_c | |
base | leafdraw_class | |
bgCheckSet() | daTbox_c | |
box | fopAc_ac_c | |
boxCheck() | daTbox_c | |
calcHeapSize() | daTbox_c | |
calcJumpGoalAndAngle(cXyz *, s16 *) | daTbox_c | |
carryType | fopAc_ac_c | |
checkAppear() | daTbox_c | |
checkDrop() | daTbox_c | |
checkEnv() | daTbox_c | |
checkEnvEffectTbox() | daTbox_c | |
checkNormal() | daTbox_c | |
checkOpen() | daTbox_c | |
checkSmallTbox() | daTbox_c | virtual |
clrDzb() | daTbox_c | |
commonShapeSet() | daTbox_c | |
Create() | daTbox_c | virtual |
create1st() | daTbox_c | |
CreateHeap() | daTbox_c | virtual |
CreateInit() | daTbox_c | |
cull | fopAc_ac_c | |
cullMtx | fopAc_ac_c | |
cullSizeFar | fopAc_ac_c | |
cullType | fopAc_ac_c | |
current | fopAc_ac_c | |
dBgS_MoveBgActor() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
Delete() | daTbox_c | virtual |
demoActorID | fopAc_ac_c | |
demoInitAppear() | daTbox_c | |
demoProc() | daTbox_c | |
demoProcAppear() | daTbox_c | |
demoProcOpen() | daTbox_c | |
Draw() | daTbox_c | virtual |
draw_priority | leafdraw_class | |
draw_tag | fopAc_ac_c | |
dropProc() | daTbox_c | |
dropProcInit() | daTbox_c | |
dropProcInit2() | daTbox_c | |
dropProcInitCall() | daTbox_c | |
effectShapeSet() | daTbox_c | |
environmentProc() | daTbox_c | |
envShapeSet() | daTbox_c | |
eventInfo | fopAc_ac_c | |
Execute(f32(**)[3][4]) | daTbox_c | |
daTboxBase_c::Execute(Mtx **) | dBgS_MoveBgActor | virtual |
eyePos | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x560 | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x564 | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x565 | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x566 | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x567 | fopAc_ac_c | |
field_0x718 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x750 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x758 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x759 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x75a | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x97c | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x97d | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x97e | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x980 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x982 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x984 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x988 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9c4 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9c6 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9c8 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9c9 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9ca | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9cc | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9f4 | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9fc | daTbox_c | private |
field_0x9fd | daTbox_c | private |
field_0xa00 | daTbox_c | private |
flagCheck(u16 i_flag) | daTbox_c | inline |
flagClr() | daTbox_c | inline |
flagOff(u16 i_flag) | daTbox_c | inline |
flagOn(u16 i_flag) | daTbox_c | inline |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
getBombItemNo(u8, u8) | daTbox_c | |
getBombItemNo2(u8, u8, u8) | daTbox_c | |
getBombItemNo3(u8, u8, u8, u8) | daTbox_c | |
getBombItemNoMain(u8) | daTbox_c | |
getDir() | daTbox_c | |
getDropSAngle(s16 *) | daTbox_c | |
getEvent() | daTbox_c | inline |
getFuncType() | daTbox_c | inline |
getItemNo() | daTbox_c | inline |
getModelInfo() | daTbox_c | |
getPathId() | daTbox_c | inline |
getShapeType() | daTbox_c | inline |
getSwNo() | daTbox_c | inline |
getSwType() | daTbox_c | inline |
getTboxNo() | daTbox_c | inline |
gravity | fopAc_ac_c | |
group | fopAc_ac_c | |
health | fopAc_ac_c | |
heap | fopAc_ac_c | |
home | fopAc_ac_c | |
initAnm() | daTbox_c | |
initBaseMtx() | daTbox_c | |
initPos() | daTbox_c | |
IsDelete() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | virtual |
jntCol | fopAc_ac_c | |
leaf_methods | leafdraw_class | |
lightColorProc() | daTbox_c | |
lightDownProc() | daTbox_c | |
lightReady() | daTbox_c | |
lightUpProc() | daTbox_c | |
m_dzb_id | dBgS_MoveBgActor | static |
m_name | dBgS_MoveBgActor | static |
m_set_func | dBgS_MoveBgActor | static |
mAcch | daTbox_c | private |
mAcchCir | daTbox_c | private |
mAllcolRatio | daTbox_c | private |
maxFallSpeed | fopAc_ac_c | |
mBgMtx | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
mCyl | daTboxBase_c | protected |
mDemoFrame | daTbox_c | private |
mEventId | daTbox_c | private |
mFlags | daTbox_c | private |
mLight | daTbox_c | private |
mMode | daTbox_c | private |
Mode enum name | daTbox_c | |
MODE_EXEC enum value | daTbox_c | |
mode_exec() | daTbox_c | |
MODE_EXEC_WAIT enum value | daTbox_c | |
mode_exec_wait() | daTbox_c | |
mode_proc_call() | daTbox_c | |
model | fopAc_ac_c | |
mOpenSeId | daTbox_c | private |
MoveBGCreate(char const *i_arcName, int i_dzb_id, MoveBGActor_SetFunc i_setFunc, u32 i_heapSize, Mtx *i_bgMtx) | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
MoveBGCreateHeap() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
MoveBGDelete() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
MoveBGDraw() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | inline |
MoveBGExecute() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
MoveBGIsDelete() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | inline |
mpActionFn | daTbox_c | private |
mpAnm | daTbox_c | private |
mParamsInit | daTbox_c | private |
mpBgCollision | daTbox_c | private |
mpBgW | dBgS_MoveBgActor | |
mpEffectAnm | daTbox_c | private |
mpEffectModel | daTbox_c | private |
mPhase | daTbox_c | private |
mpModel | daTbox_c | private |
mpOpenBgW | daTbox_c | private |
mpSlimeModel | daTbox_c | private |
mRotAxis | daTbox_c | private |
mStaffId | daTbox_c | private |
mStts | daTboxBase_c | protected |
mTboxNo | daTbox_c | private |
mTimer | daTbox_c | private |
old | fopAc_ac_c | |
OpenInit() | daTbox_c | |
OpenInit_com() | daTbox_c | |
parentActorID | fopAc_ac_c | |
scale | fopAc_ac_c | |
setAction(daTbox_actionFn i_actionFn) | daTbox_c | inline |
setBaseMtx() | daTbox_c | |
setDzb() | daTbox_c | |
setGetDemoItem() | daTbox_c | |
setID | fopAc_ac_c | |
setLightPos() | daTbox_c | |
setRotAxis(cXyz const *, cXyz const *) | daTbox_c | |
setStopStatus(u32 status) | fopAc_ac_c | inlinestatic |
settingDropDemoCamera() | daTbox_c | |
Shape enum name | daTbox_c | |
shape_angle | fopAc_ac_c | |
SHAPE_BOSSKEY enum value | daTbox_c | |
SHAPE_LARGE enum value | daTbox_c | |
SHAPE_SMALL enum value | daTbox_c | |
speed | fopAc_ac_c | |
speedF | fopAc_ac_c | |
sphere | fopAc_ac_c | |
stopStatus | fopAc_ac_c | static |
sub_method | fopAc_ac_c | |
subtype | fopAc_ac_c | |
surfaceProc() | daTbox_c | |
tevStr | fopAc_ac_c | |
ToBack() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | virtual |
ToFore() | dBgS_MoveBgActor | virtual |
unk_0xBC | leafdraw_class | |
unk_0xBD | leafdraw_class | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |
~fopAc_ac_c() | fopAc_ac_c | |